Côté Sushi

Côté Sushi. Because you can never have enough sushi. Really, I have a problem. If they put my weekly food through a tube like Supersize vs Superskinny it’d be all sushisushisushiOVERNIGHTOATSsushisushisushi. So there are all the usual suspects – formule, sashimi, brochettes, … Continue reading Côté Sushi

Le Back Up

As the name of this place suggests, this club is a serious last resort. Bonuses: Le Back Up has a really long bar, stretching over 20 metres. It is a big smoking room. Drinks are 1€. It’s open till 6h. The night that I went, there was a really funny guy doing some amusing dancing. Erm… Thursdays are their Erasmus nights, where there are, potentially, lots of students. Generally, it’s something of a meat market. If you can manage to track down those red glow sticks that indicate your single status, I would probably recommend it although blue (up for anything), … Continue reading Le Back Up

Tour Montparnasse

Arguably one of the best views of Paris, Tour Montparnasse is great mostly because you can’t see Tour Montparnasse. This is the tower that Parisians will never get over. They all hate it so much. And, to give credit to their complaints, it’s not quite as pretty as all the Haussmann housing that Paris is so famous for. A lift takes you up to the 56th floor, because stairs: no, and then someone will snap your picture in front of a green screen. Plus there’s a couple of videos and interactive elements to keep you entertained if the sight of pretty Parisian … Continue reading Tour Montparnasse


Obviously, ice cream. I mean, that’s what Amorino is famous for. All the ice cream. And you can ask for at least three flavours, even if you get the smallest size, and they’ll still make it look like a flower! It’s the little things. I’m partial to hazelnut and mango but not together, obviously, you monster. Watch out for the featured flavour – I’m still sad I missed the tarte au pomme one. And don’t mix sorbet and ice cream. Also, don’t neglect Amorino’s other sweet treats. They also do waffles and the most incredible hot chocolate, which comes almost … Continue reading Amorino